We understand that COVID-19 concerns are creating an uptick in anxiety and worry among the community. Especially when fitness gyms are closed, while being required to practice social distancing by working (or not working) remotely at our own homes. Our society has gone into an interesting moment in time with an overabundance of stimulation towards our nervous system.
Although we are separated temporarily, we are not disconnected! We support each person finding what works best for you to find grounding and support during times like this.
Here are some tips to stay caring and loving yourself in isolation.
>>Begin everyday by checking in with your body, and what the body needs.
Start working on that to-do list you never had time to do because you have been so busy.
Text, email, call, or video chat with your family and friends to maintain communication
Drink lots of water, teas, and juices
Take naps, sleep at least 6 - 8 hours every night
Eat healthy foods and take this opportunity to try some new tasty recipes
Wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your face
Write out your feelings in a journal
Make some artwork or craft
Take some photographs to document your journey
Sing a song, write a poem
Listen to music and dance
Play virtual board games or video games
Use your library card at Libby to get access to online books and audio books
Take an online class on UDemy, or utilize Ivy League's free courses
Look for free online webinars for self care topics via social media
Catch up on TV shows, movies, netflix and chill
Time to declutter your home and clean/ organize
Do a facial mask, pluck your eyebrows, paint your nails
Take an epsom salt or bubble bath
Check in with your body and see what your body needs
Meditate with essential oils for 5 - 10 minutes
Practice yoga, qi gong or stretching by finding a guided video on youtube
Wim hoff breathwork to regulate inflammatory pathways
Try some at home workouts like HITTs, calisthenics, find objects as weights
Go for a walk outside and get some sunshine